Transform Your Productivity with the OWL System

Are you overwhelmed by endless tasks and cluttered to-do lists? Dive into the world of GSFA, the core of the Organize With Lists (OWL) system, and transform the way you manage your daily life.

Master Task Management with Our GSFA Method

GSFA stands for Gathering, Sorting, Filtering, and Acting – a revolutionary approach to task management that promises to streamline your workflow, reduce stress, and boost your productivity.


Begin your journey by collecting all your tasks, ideas, and projects in one place. Like a wise owl, get a panoramic view of your commitments and prepare to take control.


Prioritize your tasks with precision. Set dates and deadlines, and arrange your list to reflect your immediate focus. It’s time to align your actions with your aspirations.


Cut through the noise with our intuitive categorization. View your tasks from various perspectives and concentrate on what truly matters. Let the OWL system help you focus your vision.


Propel your projects forward with decisive action. Utilize the sorted and filtered insights to tackle the most crucial tasks. With the OWL system, every action is a step towards success.

 “GSFA stands for Gathering, Sorting, Filtering, and Acting – a revolutionary approach to task management that promises to streamline your workflow, reduce stress, and boost your productivity.

Geoff Peters

Creator of the OWL System

Your Productivity Coach

image of geoff peters creator of the owl system

Hello! I’m Geoff Peters, a Senior Software Developer, Accomplished Toastmaster (Keynote Public Speaker), and your guide to unparalleled productivity. With years of experience in both software development and personal productivity, I’ve honed the art of task management to help individuals like you achieve their fullest potential.

How you can benefit from the OWL method?

Streamlined Workflow

A streamlined workflow lets tasks flow smoothly and efficiently, saving time and improving quality by reducing delays and confusion.

Reduced Stress

Clear task organization reduces stress, making it easier to focus on priorities and maintain a healthier work-life balance.

Enhanced Productivity

Enhanced productivity means getting more done in less time by prioritizing tasks and eliminating distractions, leading to faster goal achievement.

Clear and Portable Task Management

We believe in a system-agnostic approach, providing clear and portable task management that works seamlessly across different platforms.

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